Stem and Leaf Plot in Excel with UNISTAT
The UNISTAT statistics add-in extends Excel with Stem and Leaf Plot capabilities.
For further information visit UNISTAT User's Guide section 5.1.6. Stem and Leaf Plot.
Here we provide a sample output from the UNISTAT Excel statistics add-in for data analysis.
Stem and Leaf Diagram
For Room Averages
Leaf Unit = 10 1|2 represents 120 3 4| 899 15 5| 000223333444 32 5| 55566678888888999 55 6| 00000000112222233444444 78 6| 55556666666666888889999 (25) 7| 0001111112222233333444444 65 7| 5556666666777888899999 43 8| 01111122233334444 26 8| 66788889 18 9| 133444 12 9| 89 10 10| 044 7 10| 5788 3 11| 122