Independent Reviews
Scientific Computing World

Scientific Computing World

Felix Grant, Scientific Computing World, June/July 2007.

Sharon Kardia, Nature Website, July 1998.
Personal Computer World

“It is often chosen by scientific researchers who value easy access to the routines which they actually use on a daily basis.”
“Unistat’s Help offers advice on how to proceed and which routine to use, with worked examples from leading textbooks…”
PCW, February 1998, p. 131.
Scientific Computing World

… “The major contribution of graphics to statistical processes… has been the development of a holistic, multifaceted model of data relations, in which a wide groundwork base is essential; Unistat applies this ideal across a wider range than most comparable packages.”
… “Beyond the basics the same principles are applied throughout. Highlights for the particular group of researchers involved in this trial included the intuitive application of multivariate analysis to spatial distribution (particularly the implementation of Kth-neighbour techniques) and the consistent provision of alternative choices of tools in every case.”
“There are no mainstream areas left uncovered… The appendix contains all distribution definitions, and full references are given.”
“Customers of desktop scientific computing power, these days, fall into two categories: those who use Microsoft Office (in particular, Excel) and those who do not. For those who do, Unistat 4.0 must be high on any short-list of statistics packages; conversely, for those who do not, Unistat may be a powerful incentive to switch camps. In terms of power, Unistat has a range that places it amongst the most comprehensive data analysis instruments commercially available.”
“The statistical capabilities are a good balance between the general and the discipline-specific, covering an impressive range of techniques designed for both depth and sophistication of analysis. Few individuals would want or need the full range of functions on offer, but almost any individual need could be met by choosing and combining from amongst them. This, combined with Microsoft Office integration and the company’s responsiveness to support issues, makes Unistat an ideal team tool…”
Felix Grant, Scientific Computing World, September 1996, pp. 39-40.
Maths & Stats

Dr James Currall, Maths & Stats, CTI Statistics Newsletter, November 1996.
Personal Computer World

“High quality documentation is included with full details of all algorithms.”
“Conclusion: A value-for-money package which does not require additional modules and will produce great looking output…”
“UNISTAT 4.0 makes the best use of the Windows environment… and offers excellent value for money.”
Eric Adler, PCW, July 1995, pp. 525-6.
The American Statistician

“When running the unbalanced ANOVA procedure, two of the programs – SPSS and UNISTAT – provide options for partitioning the sums of squares, commonly referred to as the regression, hierarchical, and classic experimental approaches.”
“… the quality of [UNISTAT’s] graphs is better – the closest to presentation quality that any of the packages comes.”
Dr Phil Lurie, The American Statistician, February 1995, Vol. 49, No. 1, p. 104.
Maths & Stats

“A non-linear regression option has been added. Like all of UNISTAT, this is extremely easy to use… One feature, that I haven’t seen before, was a form of convergence monitoring. It is quite common for a program to print out the values of some target function. UNISTAT does this, but it also gives a plot of the fitted curve as it moves towards its final form. Quite a nice touch.”
Dr Iain D Currie, Maths & Stats, CTI Statistics Newsletter, May 1995, p. 37.
Applied Statistics

Eddie Shoesmith, Applied Statistics, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Vol. 43, No. 3, 1994, pp. 525-6.