2.2.1. UNISTAT Output Window
In Stand-Alone Mode, by default, all output is sent to UNISTAT’s own Output Window. All text output is created in old style line printer format (where grid lines are composed of minus signs and grid line intersections are plus signs) and is displayed with a fixed-width font. The graphic output is sent to this window in the form of an enhanced metafile object.
The Output Window offers all the functionality of WordPad, including cut-and-paste editing, undo, print, change fonts, etc. Its contents can be saved in one of Rich Text (.RTF) or text (.TXT) formats. The Rich Text format will save all formatting information as well as graphics objects, while the text format saves the unformatted text only.
Although an integral part of UNISTAT Statistical Package, the Output Window works quasi-independently, so that it can be made active for editing the output at any time during a UNISTAT session. The contents of this window are not saved to a file automatically by the program. The user should take care to save the contents in a file in case a copy is to be kept on disk.
The buttons on Output Window toolbar are by and large identical to that of WordPad, with the exception of the following:
Home: Moves the active cell to top of
the file.
End: Moves the active cell to bottom
of the file.
Exit: Returns the focus to Data
Processor without closing the Output Window.
The two panels on the status bar will display the name of the last procedure executed and the output file name, if the contents have been saved to a file earlier.
The first time the contents of the Output Window are to be saved, the Save As dialogue will ask for a file name. Subsequently, when the [Save] button is clicked, it will overwrite the file on disk with the current contents of the Output Window.
Unlike WordPad, however, Output Window also displays a second toolbar, the Output Medium Toolbar, which is justified to the right of the window. When one of the buttons on this toolbar is clicked, the output from the last procedure will be sent to the selected application. See 2.2.0. Output Medium Toolbar.
Default Font: On entry, 9 pt Courier New font is selected. Although this can be changed by the user from the Format → Font menu, UNISTAT will revert to the default font next time it is launched. To change the default font and size of Output Window permanently, enter and edit the following lines in Documents\Unistat10\Unistat10.ini file under the [Options] section:
FixedFontName=Courier New
Width of Output and Blocking: It is possible to adjust the top and left margins of output from Tools → Options dialogue’s Output tab (see Text Margins). More importantly, the width of output can also be set to any number from 80 to 32,000 characters. Output from UNISTAT will be re-scaled to fit the specified width. For instance, when a large correlation matrix is sent to the Output Window, the program will first work out how many columns of the matrix will fit within the specified width, and then separate the matrix into an appropriate number of blocks. Another example is character plots (i.e. character histogram, plot of residuals, fitted and actual y values, etc.) where the program determines the resolution of the graph according to the output width setting.
Graphics Font Size: It is possible to change the font size for all text that appear on the graph proportionately. The default size is 125%. To change this value enter and edit the following line in Unistat10.ini under the [Options] section: